A 25-Year-Old Documentary Donald Trump Tried To Ban Was Finally Released

by Josh Kurp
Twenty-five years ago, Donald Trump successfully blocked the release of a documentary about how miserable of a human being he is. Leonard Stern’s Donald Trump: What’s the Deal? was the “first of a series on [the] celebrity businessmen,” the film’s website reads, but “Donald threatened to sue any broadcaster or distributor that took on the film.” The footage was damning, if now obvious: According to the Huffington Post, Trump was “working with the mob in Atlantic City, intimidating tenants, hiring illegal immigrant labor, verbally assaulting his family and underlings, and trying to move a Florida airport because jets flew directly over his home.” But Trump was most threatened by the revelation that he wasn’t worth as much as he said he was.
Sounds familiar. Anyway, society has changed a lot since then, and Stern doesn’t need to rely on a theater for his work to be seen. So, he’s released Donald Trump: What’s the Deal? online for free.